Kamis, 24 Oktober 2013

Technology - Teknologi

Diposting oleh prettydevperf di 20.52 0 komentar
       now a days, telivision has became the most popular media of human kind . from my country Indonesia i can see many things happened in other countries. everyone must agreed television has advantages , beside those benefits , there are some disadvantages , everyone must notice to  be sure we watch television most efectively.
             Before i tell you about advantages and disadvantages by watching television. when the first time tv programmes was broadcasted, everything has changed. almost every family have access to it. definetly,television programmes give us about entertainment,news,education and knowledges.
             Now i will tell you about advantages and disadvantages by watching tv. advantages by watching television are we can learn or we can know something new. i could learn something that i didn't get in school by watching education programmes. they explain us more specific about animals and the other living things. and i can know something about what is happening in my country , such as demonstration , social problem, coruption , and many more. i can get some new informations and knowledges by watching tv programmes that give us something about it . and also i can get hot news,sport news, weather news, etc
            believe it or not there are more entertainment programmes than education programmes. disadvantages by watching tv are people never realized how much they spend their time to watch tv. they use their most time to do their daily activities, when they come back to their home , they watch television. student doing their homework with watching television. mostly , student or children would rather to watch entertainment programmes than watch education programmes. parents should disallow their children to watch uneducation programmes every single time , because it's not good for their future. parents can allow their children but not for every single time .

Diposting oleh prettydevperf di 07.57 1 komentar

Wellcome ! 

ini adalah tulisan pertama saya . di tulisan pertama , saya tidak akan berbicara banyak. di blog ini saya akan posting sesuatu tentang remaja dan kecantikan yang terinspirasi dari banyak beutyblogger . walau saya masih remaja , saya akan berusaha menuangkan semua pengetahuan yang saya miliki dalam tulisan tulisan saya berikutnya. 

this is my first post . for this time, i won't to write too much . in this blog i will post something about beuty and teens. although im still young teenanger, i will try to write everything i knew on my next posts.


                                                                                  Malang, 24 Oktober 2013



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